《Accountant in Business》 syllabus
Course Number : 2110020718
Course Name : Accountant in Business
Instructors : Wang Jingyu
Required Text : The ACCA syllabus and study guide
Course Description: This course is one of the required courses of financial management major, is also a theoretical and practical strong applied basic course, for students without business background of business as an entity of business purpose and types, key stakeholders and other enterprises before the rights and responsibilities, examine the behavior at all levels of business should be on the basis of recognized professional ethics and professional values.
Credit/Teaching Hours
Basic areas of business overview in this course (2 credits / 32 teaching hours)
Chapter I: Business organization, its stakeholders, and the external environment
2 Teaching hours
Section 1. Purpose and type of a business organization
Section 2: The Stakeholders in a Business Organization
Section 3: Political and legal factors that affect business
Section 4: Macroeconomic factors
Section 5: Microeconomic Factors
Section 6: Social and Demographic Factors
Section 7: Process Ffactors
Section 8: Environmental Factors
Section 9: Competitive Factors
Chapter II: Business organization structure, function and governance
2 Teaching hours
Section 1: A formal and informal business organization
Section 2: Structure and design of the business organization
Section 3 The Organizational Culture of Business
Section 4: Committees in Commercial Organizations
Section 5: Governance and social responsibility in enterprises
Chapter III: Accounting and Reporting Systems, Compliance, Control, Technology, and Safety 4 Teaching hours
Section 1: Relationship between accounting and other business functions
Section 2: Accounting and financial functions within a business organization
Section 3: Principles of laws and regulations governing managing accounting and auditing
Section 4: Source and purpose of internal and external financial information provided by the enterprise
Section 5: Financial systems, procedures, and related IT applications
Section 6: Internal Control, Authorization, data security, and Compliance within the business
Section 7: Fraud and fraud and its prevention in commerce, including money laundering
Section 8: The Impact of Financial Technology (Fintech) on the accounting system
Chapter IV: Leading and Managing individuals and teams 2 Teaching hours
Section 1: Leadership, Management, and Supervision
Section 2: Recruitment and Selection
Section 3: Individual and group behavior in business organizations
Section 4: Team formation, development, and management
Section 5: Inspirational individuals and groups
Section 6. Study and training in the work
Section 7: Review and evaluate individual performance
Chapter V: Personal efficiency and communication 2 Teaching hours
Section 1: Skills for personal effectiveness
Section 2: Appears ineffective consequences in the work
Section 3: Capacity framework and personal development
Section 4: Source of conflict and techniques for conflict resolution and referral
Section 5: The Business of Communication
Chapter VI: Professional Ethics in accounting and Business 4 Teaching hours
Section 1: The Basic Principles of Moral Behavior
Section 2: The role of regulatory bodies and professional bodies in promoting ethical and professional standards for the accounting profession
Section 3. The Ethics of the Company
Section 4: The Moral Conflicts and the Dilemma
Chapter Ⅶ: Practice Content 16 teaching hours
Section 1: Case discussion of business ethics and moral principles
Section 2: The Construction of Enterprise Ethics Management mechanism
Section 3: Accounting Professional Ethics Education and Environmental Optimization
Section 4: The Practice of Accounting Professional Ethics
Total total (lecture hours) 32
Teaching hours
Summary of UG CPC Topics Covered in this Course : (32 teaching hours)
a. | Marketing | 0 Hours |
b . | Finance, financial management | 0 Hours |
c . | Accounting | 2 Hours |
d. | Management | 2 Hours |
e. | Legal and business environment | 4 Hours |
f. | Economics | 0 Hours |
g. | Business ethics | 16 Hours |
h. | Business globalization | 2 Hours |
i . | Business communication | 4 Hours |
j . | Information Management System | 0 Hours |
k. | Quantitative Techniques/Statistics | 0 Hours |
l. | Business Policies | 2 Hours |
m . | Integrating Experience | 0 Hours |
| Total Number of Teaching Hours Covering CPC | 32 Hours |